Please Book for Ata Visi Buddha Puja by emailing or writing name and contact number on the list of Notice board. With Metta, SLSBS

Please Book for Ata Visi Buddha Puja by emailing or writing name and contact number on the list of Notice board. With Metta, SLSBS
Perth Sri Lanka Buddhist Vihara Invitation for Katina Pinkama 1st November 2015 from 6.00am to 2.00pm at Sri Lanka Buddhist Vihara, Kenwick All devotees are invited to participate in this meritorious ceremony. Program: 6.00 am – Arrival of Katina robe – Katina Perahara commences (Please assemble in front of the old Awasa building at…
This year Katina Pinkama will be on Sunday 1st November 2015 Start time 05:45AM and End time 01:45PM Parking at temple area is limited. Please car pool and avoid any disturbances to roads users and neighbours.
Food Fair by SLSBS on Sunday 22nd Novermber 2015 from 10:00am to 03:00pm. All proceeds go to SLSBS temple building fund. At Centenary Pavilion Centenary Ave, Wilson WA 6107.
Dear Friends, Please reserve your day free for next “Dhamma School Event” on 27th September 2015. DhammaSchool proudly presents “Sri Siddhartha Gauthama” for our Perth community. This is a fabulous movie which narrates life of Sri Siddhartha Gauthama. Please come along with your whole family for this movie and show your generous support to “PerthDhammaSchool”…
Dear Friends, This is the Vassana season. Therefore, to mark the “Vassana” retreat there will be regular Dhamma Deshanas on every Saturday at the Kenwick Buddhist Temple. These Dhamma Deshanas will start at 6:00pm on every Saturday You are kindly invited for these Dhamma Talks given by resident and visiting monks. SLSBS Committee
Dear Community Members Sri Lankan Sinhalese Buddhist Society (SLSBS) cordially invite all our Dharma Friends to join us in this year’s Vas Aradana ceremony (Rains Retreat Invitation) on Saturday 1 August at 4.30pm at 78, Austin Avenue, Kenwick. Vas provides an opportunity to lay Buddhists, to express their devotion to Gautama Buddha by practicing his…
Dear Friends, Please reserve your day free for next “Dhamma School Event” on 27th September 2015. Dhamma School proudly presents “Sri Siddhartha Gauthama” for our Perth community. This is a fabulous movie which narrates life of Sri Siddhartha Gauthama. Please come along with your whole family for this movie and show your generous support to…