Golden Jubilee Celebration of Ven. Siri Sobhitha Thero
As we all know this year marks the 50th Anniversary of monkhood for Ven. Siri Sobhitha Thero, our Chief Incumbent monk at Perth Sri Lanka Buddhist Vihara.
In appreciation of Venerable Thero’s tireless services and kind leadership to the Perth Buddhist Community, the Sri Lankan Sinhalese Buddhist Society has organised a simple ceremony to commemorate this great achievement.
You are cordially invited to attend a special Bodhi Pooja and Dhamma Talk at Kenwick Buddhist Temple:
Date: Sunday the 11th of March 2018
Time: 6.00 – 7.30pm
Please bring flowers to be offered on the day, and you are more than welcome to bring your own offerings to the Ven. Thero.
Light refreshments will be served at the end of Dhamma Talk.
With Metta,
President and the Committee