Dear Friends,
Atavisi Buddha Pooja will be held on 1st January 2019 at 5:30pm to invoke blessings and success for you all in the coming New Year 2019.
We remember the twenty-eight Buddhas who preceded Gautama Buddha and recite stanzas recalling their virtues. Two offerings are made to each Buddha. One is a Atapirikara and the other a tray of offerings (Gilanpasa) consisting of flowers, a candle, gilanpasa and chatumadura.
Dayakathwaya for each of the two offerings as follows.
● Donation of $50.00 for Gilanpasa offerings tray
● Donation of $100.00 for ATAPIRIKARA
Offering an ATAPIRIKARA is considered as one of the Ata Maha Kusal (Eight most efficacious merits). Besides, Offering ATAPIRIKARA comes second in this list of Eight Most Efficacious or Noble Merits.
Much merit is gained when we make these offerings at a Atavisi Buddha Pooja.
The ATAPIRIKARA and GILANPASA offerings will be provided by us to you to offer on that day (You also can assign someone else to offer on behalf of you),
Please email or or enter your name in the list on the notice board.
On 1st January 2019 Atavisi Buddha Pooja will start at 5.30pm (5.30pm to 6.15pm). So, please be at temple by 5:00 pm. Pirith chanting will start at 6.30pm and will continue till 7.30pm.
All the proceedings will go to the upkeep of the Temple and Dhamma School.
You are all kindly invited to participate at this annual event welcoming prosperous and successful New Year 2019.
Theruwan Saranyi